Archive for March, 2009

President George W. Bush

The presidential retreat, Camp David (formally known as Naval Support Facility Thurmont) is less than 30 minutes away so Gettysburg is a easy jaunt for a presidential day-trip.Rumors started flying last Fall that President Bush was planning to take a tour of Gettysburg. Sure enough, his motorcade swooped into town the next day. The Secret […]


We’re not afraid of rain! The Segway rides just fine in the rain and we won’t melt — so we’ll go if you’ll go. In fact, the flowers are starting to bloom and we mostly have the park to ourselves during rainy weather so it is a good time for a tour! (Yes, we ARE […]

Summer is coming!

The weather is getting warming and you can feel summer in the air! The first weekend of the March was Reenactor Appreciation Weekend and it was great to see so many people (many in period uniforms and dress) come out to enjoy the sun. Segway tours were active too. In fact, we’re so busy that […]